Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I am here. Did you notice me.

This is what seems to be happening in the new age of social networking. You get up in the morning, open your in box, waiting to read what comments did your status message and photos got which you uploaded like 3 hour before or even 9 minutes before. Whether you had your first kiss, honeymoon, anniversary celebrations , friends get together, drinking night out, game night or even a drive back from office, you feel compelled to report your day to day activities on social networking sites. Was social networking meant to be daily journal writing?

In this age when so many privacy policies are being designed , minutely scrutinized and governed by regulations, without realizing we ourselves no longer want to maintain any privacy. I have as ridiculous 500 " friends" on any site and am willing to share all my happenings of everyday life with them. What so-called privacy I can maintain and try to fight for? All that we seem to be doing or in fact are compelled to do is to maintain a social identity for ourselves and we strive to maintain that everyday of our lives. It's an image to protect for. Even if I want to communicate to 5 people of my 500 friend list, I update my status/ post pictures for the world to see. It's a world of over-sharing.

Have you ever thought how much of your time we spend on sites checking for updates of people or photos of the people we are never gonna cross paths in life. As per the statistics face book has over 500 million active users and on an average we spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Face book.

I wonder where are we headed for. Is my life becoming so governed by the social identity I maintain for myself. If I do not post any news feed for 1 week, do I fear for being out of happening cool circles. We are in a world where everyday definitions are changing. We are changing our notions of privacy, revelation and self-display. In present times, we are in the process of evolution and beginning of a of a new social norm. Either we upgrade ourselves or die a natural social death.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Trip to Grand Canyon

As we sat round the fire
grilling chicken
gazing stars
talking about the moments
going into the past
Opening our
thoughts for inspection
of each other.

No pretense
nothing to hide
as naked
as a moonless night.

We hiked the Grand Canyon
gaining strength from each other.
No one was better
No one was weaker
We conquered
the hike

As the trip
came to an end
we had moved ahead.
Walked a few miles
in our
bonds of togetherness
of a relationship.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Let me be home

I was scared

It was my fist day at play school
All I knew was
I am going to be away
from the warmth of home
and company of my toys
for eight hours
in a day.

No one had time
to play with me
Mommy had a day job
Daddy had a night job
Everyone seems
to be busy running
but no one runs
behind me
catch me if you can.

When I complained
fought and cried
threw my legs in air
I heard them say
what a thankless child
cant see their hard life.

I didn't ask for toys
I didn't ask for candy
All I asked was
read me a story in the night
play ball with me
listen to my tales
cuddle me while I sleep.
Maybe I did ask for too much.
Maybe I should thank them
for running so much
all for me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Twists & Turns

Was trying to remember
in the way you liked
the best
my memories failed me
my dreams betrayed me
my thoughts killed me
I had no recollection left of you
in bed.

How did that happen
Did time erase the past?
I thought
I was married to those
Did I get separated somewhere
in the journey
of whose done what.

I built my life
on those days
all that's left
is not even memories.
Should I be happy
Should I be exhilarated
I should be?
I did what was impossible.

I should raise
a toast to myself
yet somewhere
that little squeak
the little knot
yearns to open
the Pandora box.
How easy will that be?